Sunday, 17 July 2016


Being an Electrical and Electronic Engineering student, I spent a lot of time with Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes (CRO), Bread Board, Ic's ... in the weekly Academic Practical Lab sessions. I have seen a pretty good amount of signals dancing on the CRO's display. This later led my thoughts to make a device which produces signals so as to display a gameplay on CRO.

In my childhood I used to play a frogger like game on my hand video game toy. So I thought I would make one similar thing on CRO. Basically in frogger, we have to make our frog cross a road with some traffic. 

I used a pulse of certain amplitude and of certain pulse width to be a vehicle. There were a few of such discrete levels indicating different paths for vehicles. A point was used to display the frog character. The following explanation would be about the making of game using arduino.

I thought I could make the game, first by using a micro controller and then later can build a device from discrete IC's. So, I found Arduino to be pretty comfortable for this. I tried to generate the same pulse on Arduino as thought for the other design shown above using digitalWrite() but, the signal appeared distorted and was ramping down as shown below. Also I had to further used some level shifters to achieve different levels. So, I searched for other better alternatives and found this cool stuff .... 

Here, he explained a better way to do this. Analog PWM signal is generated corresponding to required point on screen and is filtered using an RC filter to average the PWM output. Otherwise, the output would not have been at the required level. But the problem for me was to make the animation or characters generated move continuously. So I had to make a scrolling type program to make the characters move on the screen. The co-ordinates required for the obstacles were pre-calculated in the starting position as shown in figure below. Then the co-ordinates were made to move to left (value of x-co-ordinate subtracted by a fixed amount 1 or 2) in the next frame, thus accounting for the motion of obstacles.

Then coming to the frog (a dot here) ... the frog's position was varied using a potentiometer and when the analog value corresponding to pot's position matches the obstacles position at the centre of display, the obstacle hit would be detected. While, the obstacle reaches the top most position (analog value reaches 1024) without hitting any obstacle, the code understands that the frog has crossed the road.

Here's the code  explained ....

#define TRACE_DELAY 2500 //Delay which determines the frame rate and output signal clarity
int n = 20; 
int ox = 6;  //Pins to be connected to x and y channel of CRO after filtering with RC filter 
//  From pin 6,7 both separate circuits ------/\/\/\-------.------ To CRO - x channel
//                                                        R = 10K            |
//                                                                                |   |  C = 0.1uf
//                                                                                  |
//                                                                             ---_--- GND
//                                                                                  .
int oy = 7;
// Levels of obstacles
int l1 = 160;
int l2 = 110;
int l3 = 60;
int l4 = 10;
int l5 = 210;
//Analog pin A5 for pot input
int r = 5;
//Pins to indicate win and lose via leds.
int wpin = 8;
int errpin = 9;

int err = 0;
int val = 0;
int hits = 0;
//Arrays containing initial x and y co-ordinates
int x[20] = { 210, 190, 190, 165, 165, 145, 145, 120, 120, 100,
100, 75, 75, 55, 55, 30, 30, 10, 10, 10 };
int y[20] = { l4, l4, l1, l1, l4, l4, l2, l2, l4, l4,
l1, l1, l4, l4, l3, l3, l4, l4, l4, l4 };

void setup()
  pinMode(ox, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(oy, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(r, INPUT);
  pinMode(wpin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(errpin, OUTPUT);

//Setting clock defaults to use internal oscillator
  TCCR0A = ( 1<<COM0A1 | 0<<COM0A0 |
1<<COM0B1 | 0<<COM0B0 |
1<<WGM01  | 1<<WGM00);

  TCCR0B = ( 0<<FOC0A | 0<<FOC0B |
0<<WGM02 |
0<<CS02 | 0<<CS01 |
1<<CS00 );

  TIMSK0 = ( 0<<OCIE0B | 0<<TOIE0 |
0<<OCIE0A );  


void loop()
  int count = 0;
  int k = 21;
  int ball = l4;
    count = count + 1;
    if(count == 1)
//Switching between two alternate pulses of widths 25 and 20
    if (count != 1)
     if (k = 21)
       k = 26;
      k = 21; 
//Loop for scrolling starts
  for(int m = 0; m < n-2; m++)
    x[m] = x[m+2];
    y[m] = y[m+2];
  x[n-2] = 10;
  y[n-2] = y[0];
  x[n-1] = 10;
  y[n-1] = y[1];
//Making the scrolling action by x[l] = x[l] + 1
  for(int j = 1 ;j < k;j++)
      for(int l = 1;l < n-1;l++)
    x[l] = x[l] + 1;
      for(int i = 0; i < n+1; i++)
//Detecting the hit by an obstacle
        if((y[i] == ball)&&(ball != 10))
         if ((x[i]<110)&&(x[i-1]>110))
          //Making lose indication
          hits = hits + 1;
        if (ball == l5)
//Making win indication
//Pot input
        val = analogRead(r);
//Writing the analog values.. for display (obstacles)
        analogWrite(ox, x[i]);
        analogWrite(oy, y[i]);
//Making the pot's levels discrete
if ((val>0)&&(val<205))
  ball = l4;
  ball = l3;
  ball = l2;
  ball = l1;
  ball = l5;
if (i==n)
//Displaying the ball
  analogWrite(ox, 10);
        analogWrite(oy, 10);
analogWrite(ox, 110);
        analogWrite(oy, ball);

Sunday, 2 February 2014


                                                Yesterday, we have seen yesterday how to make a cheap and simple proximity sensor. Today this post is about reading the output given by the sensor, by removing the ambient light intensity from the total amount of light falling on the sensor and making the measurements more reliable with the surrounding lighting conditions.

                                               This arduino code works well in different ambient light conditions. This code has control over the IR led too instead of keeping the led on forever. First the led is kept switched off and the intensity of light is measured, this being the ambient light intensity. Next the led is switched on and analog voltage is sampled from arduino's ADC pin now this being the amount of reflected light + ambient light. The difference between these values gives the amount of light reflected. This thing is repeated a few times and average amount is calculated as the final value. The code was actually taken from here. So you can take away code from there and modify it.
                                               Now, as the sensor is ready to be used, we will try having fun controlling a game on PC (here Jetpack Joyride). A program continuously reads the sensor's output from Arduino via serial communication and simulates the space key press when there is a value from the sensor greater than a threshold value.

So here's a demo video...

And here's the code....

clear all
%Your Arduino's COM port
s = serial('COM6');
%Importing java classes for simulating key press or release
 import java.awt.Robot; 
 import java.awt.event.*; 
%Threshold value for sensor
th = 100;
s.BaudRate = 9600;
out = fscanf(s);
x = str2num(out)
%press Space if x > threshold and release if lesser
if (x > th)
if (x<th)

So, all you need to do is connect the sensor to Arduino as shown in previous post and upload the code from mentioned link (here) into your arduino and run the above code in matlab, then start the game and have fun. Well, the code is very simple but is'nt it cool... I got the game for my PC from Windows 8 appstore... Hope you will find it for yours..

Saturday, 1 February 2014


                                           A proximity sensor is a device which detects the presence of an object in its proximity. Well the sensor which we are going to make here works well for short distance ranges and is very cheap and easy to build. Photo diode and matching Infrared Led pair will cost you about Rs.12 and all you will need is a resistor and small wires to solder for strength. 

                                   A photo diode operates as a normal diode in forward bias and acts as a light sensor in reverse direction. It produces a current proportional to the intensity or amount of light falling on it.
                                              An Infrared led is similar to a normal led except that the former emits out Infrared light instead of visible light. So it works when operated in forward bias condition.

Infrared Led
So here is a circuit diagram which converts the light into current and then the current to voltage using a resistor.

                               The output voltage can now be checked with a multimeter. The arrangement of two led's should be in such a way as shown in the figure below (both adjacent to each other). So when an object comes above these the light from infrared led gets reflected from the object and falls on the photo diode. Closer the object, more the amount of reflected light and more the output voltage.

                                This simple sensor can be used and applied in many exciting ways which we will see in the upcoming posts. So keep making stuff you like and enjoy !!!

Saturday, 25 January 2014


                                                       I think gesture recognition would be more exciting if you could control things in real world with your gestures... So here's how to do it using Arduino. Since it just uses serial communication, this can also be done with some usb to serial adapters.... 

                                                       This simulation actually shows how to control of an led (to get started with) with some clicking over the screen with fingers in the air..... 

Click here to download matlab source...

Here's a Demo video....

And here's the arduino code...

//Initializing variables...
int incomingByte = 0;
int led = 12;
int blnk = 0;
int del = 500;
void setup() {                
  pinMode(led, OUTPUT);     

void loop() {
//Main loop...  
  if (Serial.available() > 0) {
 incomingByte =;    
    switch (incomingByte) {
    //ASCII value for 'A'
      case 65:
 blnk = 0;
    case 66:
 digitalWrite(led,LOW) ;
 blnk = 0;
      case 67:
 blnk = 1;
        if (blnk==1){

You can also check the following link where you can find library over this....

Sunday, 19 January 2014


Click here to download the Source

                                                   Just do the gestures and it will recognize what you have shown as gesture. This simulation identifies the number of fingers shown by a person. It uses simple binary image processing recognizing the hand based mostly on size specifications.

 Then after identifying the hand, it clips off the lower part of hand in such a way that only fingers are left. Then the number of objects in the image would be the number of fingers shown.

Here’s a demo video… 

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